The Dichotomy Between the First Amendment and How Muslims are Treated [The Jabot]

In this episode of the Jabot podcast, Kathryn speaks with Sahar Aziz, author, and Professor of Law at Rutgers Law School. Sahar shares how she first became interested in her book, The Racial Muslim. She details some historical examples of how the book’s hypothesis is supported and discusses how far back the ideas go. Professor Aziz also talks about the dichotomy between belief in the First Amendment and how that squares away in modern political discourse with the reality of how Muslims are treated. — To listen to the… Continue reading “The Dichotomy Between the First Amendment and How Muslims are Treated [The Jabot]”
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The Racial Muslim with Sahar Aziz [American Muslim Project]

Season 2 of American Muslim Project kicks off with Sahar Aziz, Professor of Law and Chancellor’s Social Justice Scholar at Rutgers University Law School.  She is also the founding director of the interdisciplinary Rutgers Center for Security, Race, and Rights. She joins AMP to talk about her new book, “The Racial Muslim: When Racism Quashes Religious Freedom.”… Continue reading “The Racial Muslim with Sahar Aziz [American Muslim Project]”
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Sahar Aziz on The Tavis Smiley Show

Sahar Aziz discussed her new book The Racial Muslim: When Racism Quashes Religious Freedom with Tavis Smiley. Professor Aziz explained how the legal and political history of the racialization of religion that adversely impacted Catholics, Jews, and Mormons in the early twentieth century informs the contemporary racialization of Muslims. To listen to the conversation, click here.… Continue reading “Sahar Aziz on The Tavis Smiley Show”
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9/11 and the Racial Limitations of Religious Freedom [Al Jazeera]

Each anniversary of the 9/11 attacks generates debates on how to balance security with liberty in the United States. What is often lost in the conversation is the role that race plays in constraining civil liberties for religious minorities. Today, the targets are Muslims. A century ago, it was Jews and Catholics. The racialisation script is the same. First, the religious minority is vilified in the media and among public officials as a disloyal fifth column. Then, the religion’s followers are racialised as a threat to the (Anglo-Saxon Protestant) American way of… Continue reading “9/11 and the Racial Limitations of Religious Freedom [Al Jazeera]”
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She Speaks: Academic Muslimahs features Sahar Aziz

On the 19th anniversary of 9/11, Sahar Aziz talks about how the tragedy impacted Muslim Americans and Muslim immigrants within the United States. This episode discusses the PATRIOT ACT, NSEERS (2012 male registry for Muslim immigrants), and how the curtailments of rights impacted Muslim participation within social and political sphere. Dr. Aziz also talks about Muslim political interests during this election season and what we should focus on as a community (institutional change!).  — To listen to the interview on the podcast She Speaks: Academic Muslimahs, click here.… Continue reading “She Speaks: Academic Muslimahs features Sahar Aziz”
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