The Entrenched Effects of Misconduct in the Restaurant Industry [The Atlantic]

Tip-based wages leave employees—especially women, who report the majority of incidents—vulnerable to the whims of both management and customers alike. Pushing back against harassment, even by simply reporting it, often means risking retaliation that can include lower tips or industry-wide blackballing. “And those who do the harassment know that,” Sahar Aziz, a Rutgers University law professor who took part in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace, told BuzzFeed News. Many restaurant employees lack the status, prestige, and financial safety… Continue reading “The Entrenched Effects of Misconduct in the Restaurant Industry [The Atlantic]”
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We Got Government Data on 20 Years of Workplace Sexual Harassment Claims [Buzzfeed]

The Harvey Weinstein scandal shows that a skewed power dynamic can allow a few powerful “gatekeepers” in “high-stakes” industries to behave inappropriately toward others without being called out, said Sahar Aziz, a law professor at Rutgers University who was part of the EEOC’s Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace. In these industries, she said, the fear of being blacklisted may prevent victims of sexual harassment from speaking up. The current public discussion is focused on industries like entertainment, media, and politics — rife with… Continue reading “We Got Government Data on 20 Years of Workplace Sexual Harassment Claims [Buzzfeed]”
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